Dear fans,
Welcome to my new international website, where visitors from all over the world can come together and share in their love for my music and my unique writing abilities. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and that you will consider returning, instead of ignoring me like most people do. Please also consider leaving a comment on my specially created comments system, which allows my fans from all over the world to communicate with me, personally, one on one. Again, I hope you enjoy your time here, and I look forward to seeing you the next time you visit me here, at my international web portal designed for visitors from all over the world, who come here to share their appreciation of my music and my amazing, god-like writing abilities. Please, stay. Don't leave me here, alone, like all the others. I beg you.

Yours in music, and dreams,


Clint Bo Dean is a highly successful musical recording artist. His recordings have been released on the respected label, [dnrc]


The Official Clint Bo Dean Website
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Recent Posts

Why I love "Cats"


Hey Ladies ...

I know you're curious about me. What makes me tick? How do I have my tea? Are my underpants red? Am I wearing underpants? How do I get my hair to stay that way? Do I like pets? Is my fridge running? How do I manage to write such emotionally retarded music? How much did I pay the engineer to record my songs? Did I really audition for "Cats"? Am I a true tabby? How do my socks fit? What's metal? Do we really die? How many jelly beans do I have in my pocket? What am I listening to right now? Has daylight savings started yet? How do they make belacan? Is my true name Roger? What's my starsign? Do I really enjoy champagne as much as the rumours suggest? Is my portfolio photograph airbrushed? Why do you cry? Does pain cause it? Isn't Paris elegant at this time of the year? Can I guess where you're calling from? Have I been to the Paris Hilton? Does playing a tennis racquet instead of a guitar make me an idiot? Do I enjoy spending time with llamas? Can we expect a similar set of questions addressed to "the men"?



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